Monday, November 13, 2006

Busy Weekend

I am really happy with overall how well I did this weekend with cousins were in town on Saturday and Sunday and so on Saturday mom, Marcia, Diane, Marianne (my sister) and I hung out all afternoon....we went out for lunch and I asked before hand if Mom would like to split a dinner with me because at Old Bag of Nails the fish and chips are huge dinners so we did and my cousins also split one and I added a salad.............we went back to mom's and she had baked a pie and I had a small piece and content with that. When I got back home I did order from Pizza Hut later on in the evening but did not binge....did overeat a bit but did not binge. Yesterday I had been awake all night with physical pain which at times triggers my binging and we went out to eat for lunch and I ate what I do on a normal Sunday at Windchimes so was alright with that and then later on had some chips and salsa and ice cream.....would have liked to have chosen better in the evening but again I did not binge did overeat but did not binge. I went to Giant Eagle last night and got some groceries that I needed and they have flavored sugar free water on sale so got some of that because I have got to start again drinking lots and lots of water. I try to look at each day as a new begining and so far today has been good....I just ate some yougurt and plan to eat some oatmeal...........and drank my diet pop and already put a bottle of water along with my diet pop for when I go to my appointment here in about an hour. My goals for today are to catch up with laundry and and such the best that I can with the physical pain..................

Saturday, November 04, 2006


has been better this week for which I am happy. I have not drank any pop with sugar and I have not had any ice cream.....I am not saying ice cream is bad it is just in October I was consuming way way too much. I was really surprized that in October that even though I did not lose weight I did not gain either so happy that I did not gain so must have been doing some things alright. I still have not gotten into the routine of drinking water which I really really need to do....I even got the Giant Eagle brand like Crystal Light peach tea that I really like and that helps me drink water. My goal for this week is to drink water...and also it will sound kind of funny but I need to eat more during the day then like one time or two...I do better when I eat like five times and small small meals or snacks. Yesterday and today I have been really really sad because my oldest nephew Jerah found out he is a type 2 diabetic and is now on 3 medications...he is young he is 33 and he has a stressful busy life which I am sure does not help. Please pray for him it would be fantastic if God healed him and also please pray that the medications get his sugar levels down and he is able to eat what he is to eat and such. I am happy it is the weekend for me................

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


October is OVER....well here it is November 1 and I am determined to get back on track with my eating and drinking water and such. I am a bit bummed because I woke up with my stomach not feeling good at all mainly due to the physical pain that I am in and not able to afford my pain not sure how good I will do at eating today but took some over the counter med for the stomach isues and hope it will kick in especially before I go to work. The bigger goals for November is to drink way way more water and not to drink any sugar pop and then also to get in a routine of swimming.....those are the major goals for this month regarding my eating disorder. I am also determined on another note to have more of a regular quiet time with reading the Bible and more structured prayer and time also of meditation and deep breathing (those two things hoping it will help the physical pain)