Saturday, November 04, 2006


has been better this week for which I am happy. I have not drank any pop with sugar and I have not had any ice cream.....I am not saying ice cream is bad it is just in October I was consuming way way too much. I was really surprized that in October that even though I did not lose weight I did not gain either so happy that I did not gain so must have been doing some things alright. I still have not gotten into the routine of drinking water which I really really need to do....I even got the Giant Eagle brand like Crystal Light peach tea that I really like and that helps me drink water. My goal for this week is to drink water...and also it will sound kind of funny but I need to eat more during the day then like one time or two...I do better when I eat like five times and small small meals or snacks. Yesterday and today I have been really really sad because my oldest nephew Jerah found out he is a type 2 diabetic and is now on 3 medications...he is young he is 33 and he has a stressful busy life which I am sure does not help. Please pray for him it would be fantastic if God healed him and also please pray that the medications get his sugar levels down and he is able to eat what he is to eat and such. I am happy it is the weekend for me................


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