Monday, September 25, 2006

The good the bad and the ugly..............

Today has been a rough day at started out well with working really hard in therapy and getting some stuff done so left feeling GOOD.....then my mom was kind enough to run me on some errands and went to the drugstore to pick up some medications that I needed and found out I capped my limit with my Medicare part D ( which for those who are wondering why I get Medicare it is because I am on Social Security Disability) so if I was going to pay for the 3 yes 3 medications that I needed it would have cost me $890.00!!!!! O.K. so no of course I do not have that kind of money so could not get any of the meds so tomorrow need to call my case manager and my physician to see if they can help me and then next week when I see my psychiatrist I wil check with him so and to add to the frustration if the insurance had covered them it would have been around $100.00 which again I do not have so mom was being kind enough to cover that but for sure could not have paid $890.00.... plus I am also on 2 other medications and am supposed to get another one so no way that will happen that was the BAD so then going on from there to Krogers which due to my mental illness kicking my butt which leads to not handling some things well like money my mom gave me money for the on to Krogers and had made a list so was doing good and then I am just quietly shopping when some 30 something old man aka a total jerk came by me and stopped me to tell me that I was hideous to look at so I froze for a moment that was the UGLY moment of the when I got home I cried for like 3 hours and left some messages with Will my therapist and ate a pint of ice cream....did NOT order pizza so am happy that I did not order pizza................talked with Will for about a half hour and that really helped and he and I were able to talk about the good choices that I did make when I got home with no self abusing except overeating the ice cream but that is mild to what I do at am back in my body and feeling also helped that my friend Bobbi Jo called me and talked to me for a few minutes and quoted scripture to me which was a great am worn out so going to head to bed soon..............


Blogger Trying2BMe said...

For all that happened, you survived another day. That's a victory in itself. You didn't totally meltdown, you found ways to deal with it and that is definately a positive thing.

So very proud of you and FU to the jerk who told you that.

Hugs, T

12:56 PM  

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