Thursday, December 13, 2007

busy yet productive day.............................

today has been a busy yet good and productive day and is still going to be busy this eveing. i had therapy with nan today and that went well. we are going to work on a list of likes and dislikes of food and then she will help me make some menus of six very small meals or snacks a day i made some inspirational cards for the center to use in their partial day program when it starts. i thought it was nice but nothing big and i got a card thanking me and everyone at the center signed it which i thought was reallys sweet. off the news of my busy day i just bonked my head on the lamp and OW DID IT HURT and OH MY HEAD STILL back to today. my friend maureen and i went shopping at the grocery and at the dollar tree to get stuff for mom's presents and then groceries. tonight mom and i are doing more christmas shopping - mom decided we needed to buy more stuff for the kids and exchange some stuff that we bought for different things.
tomorrow i do not have to do anything outside my place which will be nice....maybe sleep in in and write some christmas cards to mail...i am not mailing many at all this year. i need to clean and do laundry and have a bunch of emails that i want to write....well need to eat something before mom and i get together and need to see if gracie will wear the sweater that i got her..........she does get colder now that she was shaved in like november and i think she will look so cute................lj's for today....the thank you card...hanging out with maureen...getting my shopping done for mom......................knowing my friend andrew got to spend some money on himself...............


Blogger Lena said...

Oh dear, hope your head is feeling better!

How nice that they gave you a card. It is nice that you thought you did a little thing, but it meant a lot to others.

Enjoy your evening.

3:16 PM  
Blogger Lena said...

Oh dear, hope your head is feeling better!

How nice that they gave you a card. It is nice that you thought you did a little thing, but it meant a lot to others.

Enjoy your evening.

3:16 PM  

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