Wednesday, December 05, 2007

snow snow and more snow.............

i am one who typically not a fan of snow. i think that it is because i get scared of falling and such. i have to say though it is so pretty when it is snow that is still fresh and white and i look out my window onto my patio it looks so pretty! i think it will be a good day to stay inside and perhaps have some hot chocolate or keep a pot of coffe on or some hot tea. gracie is LOVING the snow! she still does not have much fur since she just got groomed about two months ago or such so she gets cold so she is in and out much today. i think that i am going to go out soon and try to sweep a path from my front door to the door of my patio and then go out again another time and try to shovel or sweel the sidewalk leading up to my patio. i think if i try to take it slow and just a bit at a time it will be alright...i am not wanting to break it up into a few times due to the cold as much as not wanting to hurt myself or fall and such. i did decide to take my cell phone out with me in case something happens i also keep two chairs on the patio that if i brushed the snow off they can help me get up if i do fall.

i have been trying to read the book of james from the bible the first chapter every day to really ponder it and get so that i remember it. jeff the pastor at the church that i go to said that he years ago read through the whole book of james every day for a month. i think that for me to ponder it better that i will break it up into a chapter or two a day. i find it interesint that as much as i love to read that it is much easier for me to pray then it is for me to read the bible. i watched last night the show on ruth graham. i always have thought of her as quite a woman to admire. it was not easy i am sure for her to be on her own much of the time when billy was out preaching and like he said she was often the mom and the dad. i did order her free book that shared her journals and such.

i am finding that i am sleeping so much better if i sleep on my couch...not sure why but i do. i had a funny dream last night that seemed really long and quite unusual at times and i will not get into it all but will say that one part of it was that i rode a child's bike to my mom's place and was so exited that it was pink. the doorman would not let me keep it outside i had to take it to the 15th floor where my mom lives. it looked like one of those clowns who ride the teeny tiny bikes in the circus...............well i have not been up long perhaps two hours but will add some lj's so far for today........looking out at the pretty snow....looking at gracie playing inthe snow...a can of cherry coke...last night finding my can opener...(i forget things so easy sometimes and with the two weeks before i was in the hospital i forgot things even more i could not remember where i put my can opener).....talking with mom and finding out that walgreens is having a sale buy two games and get one free so great christmas gift ideas...thinking about mom and i when it gets closer to christmas we are going to make some chocolate covered pretzels and then the oreo balls which are so so so good. i think that i will add that to one of my posts soon becaue they are so easy and so good especially when they ar cold. mom and i have not done something like that for years comfy brown sweater that i am wearing lots lately.....o.k. so what lj's can people come up with for today? just a reminder lj's stands for little joys the little things that make a day better. some peoplle think of it as a gratitude list so whichever way you might think of it please share those thoughts with me...............


Blogger Moohaa said...

Hi! I love the book of James. I actually just got a book from my book club that is written by Max Lucado and is a study of James. I'm excited to read it and I think you've inspired me to get to it.

LJ's huh? Hmm.. my house is clean, gotta love that ... I'm caught up on laundry ... my boys are getting along...its NOT snowing :) .... I'm about to go get a latte!

Take care!

2:17 PM  
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7:51 PM  

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