Sunday, July 15, 2007


what a day it has been! I went to church this morning and helped with the children first service and then second service went to it. my nephew came and went to church with me and afterwords we met mom at applebees for lunch. it was the first time that i remember that my legs acted up (not letting me stand) for so long! i was embarrassed and scared that i would not be able to get up and such. i finally did get up and the rest of the day so far has been fine with getting up and down though my left knee is really hurting and my right food is really hurting. so.........i am back home and gracie is enjoying the outside and i think i will make it a really early evening to go to bed and watch television and read. my mom was so kind and went into giant eagle for me to get some groceries since my walking was so bad today. i am still really tired but was up much of the night on and off thinking about my nephew jordan and praying too. It was great to hang out with Jordan.
I read something in the paper today that was QUITE ALARMING to me.....there is typically now in Columbus a shortage of beds for psychiatric patients so some are being moved to OTHER CITIES and then some have spent like DAYS in the E.R. !!! Well as most people know that if a person is coming to the E.R. they are in bad shape and most people are in an acute stage new places and spaces that are chaotic (which and E.R. is) is going to make people worse and especially for people who have social anxiety and such! O.K. and then add in to lots of having to deal with doctors and nurses on different shifts and then add to that the chaos of the E.R. with dying people and loud noises of machines and people and such. So now the way my brain works is what if I have to go into the hospital and what if I have to stay in the E.R. or if they move me to a different city which for me would probably be more anxiety producing than the E.R. and so am calming myself down in that typically lately the reasons I am in the hospital is if I am having medication issues so as long as I was not going to be harm to myself or others than they would not have to make me stay and if my anxiety is so high I am sure that I could get by with going to my doctor's office or even the E.R. like once daily to get a mega shot which is what generaly do when it is going on. I am just amazed at how my brain can project!!! Well that has been my day so far....looking foward to watching some television and reading a book and since I went to the library I have several choices.


Blogger CRUSTY MOM-E said...

I love the smell of the library! it beats any visit to any book store anyday!
You'll have a great day today!

8:04 AM  
Blogger CRUSTY MOM-E said...

btw..I'm adding you to my list of choice that alright?
have a great monday!

8:17 AM  

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