Friday, July 13, 2007

Birthday Cake and Gracie....................

yesterday there was some birthday cake to bring home and one of my favorite rituals I and my sister do is the morning after our birthday we eat birthday cake for breakast so...................last evening i put the cake up where I did not think Gracie would get it. She does not typicaly like when she tries to get it off a table if it is falling off she gets nervous and such so does not try BUT last evening she got brave and when I woke up this morning I came out to find the birthday cake almost all gone ! I was SO glad that it was not chocolate. She seems to be fine but knew by my expression and words this mornng I was NOT happy. It looks like there is a part of the cake that is leaning up against the box that she did not get to so should be able to get a few bites. It is intersting because right before I fell asleep I thought that I should maybe move the cake just in case she got brave so gueses I should have listened to my intuition. I have been SO SO tired lately which of course my brain always goes to horrible things like cancer or being a diabetic or today I am wondering if I have mono but do not know where I would have gotten it....and then also my mind goes to maybe it is just medications or something but my mind goes to extremes like maybe I should go to the emergency rooom but would feel quite sily going on and them asking what is wrong and for me to say I am so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open and add to that I can be a worrier and get obessed about things so they would probably do a psychaitric consut and tell me I am fine as far as the physical goes......oh crap i just remembered I do get this way sometime before a migraine...........sure hope not! The reason I thought about the migraine is that I just looked out my window and it hurt to look at the sun. I think I am going to curl up with a book or not depending how the headache goes and take a nap.


Blogger CRUSTY MOM-E said...

Sometimes exhaustion is a form of depression-I know I had it twice after the births of my two younger illness that isn't easily shaken.
Believe me.

8:57 AM  
Blogger CRUSTY MOM-E said...

btw: how's the headache?

9:04 AM  

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