Saturday, July 07, 2007

Saturday Afternoon

Well sleep was horrible last night! I took two of the pain pills and did not get any relief from the pain so am thinking that I need to go back to my doctor and ask about going back on what I was on just a higher dose thinking that hopefully will would be really good if I could leave a message for my doctor and then just go in to pck the rx up and not have to pay my copay to see her. I have to go pick up the rx because with narcotis and such one cannot call that rx in. It was a bummer that this new one is not working besides the not getting relief from the pain it costs less than the one I was on before. So when I am in pain and if I do happen to go to sleep my dreams are either really strange or like nightmares so I had both...the nightmare one I wil not go into but it is so frustrating to have a dream like that and with waking up like every hour for about 10 -15 minutes then would go back to sleep but would still have the same dream and then it switched to juts a strange one in that I was in a grocery store and was singing outloud (which would never happen I did not get that talent) and my sister came along and she said wow you sound really good do you want to tour with me? My sister Marianne has recorded oh probably 6 plus cd's and tours around the states and then international some also.....and she does have talent in music and singing. So............Gracie was a sleepyhead so that helped me stay in bed for longer which even if I am not sleeping I think that it helps rest my legs.
Going veggie was a idea left on yesterday's post. I often times do eat veggie and do not keep meat at home but will eat it out at times. I like alot of the "fake meat" for lack of better wording and I like soy products and I would really really like to be able to buy all of my groceries at Trader Joes or Whole Foods or someplace like that and I do think Trader Joes have some great veggie frozen dinners and not that expensive. One thing that I have been thinking of and need to check out with a dietician is that if well I prefer to say when I have the bariatric operation one has to be sure to get lots of protein and not sure how some of the soy products and nuts and such will work after that. I think also that with not working and money being tight I end up getting those 10 for 10 deals with like frozen dinners which are not that great plus it amazes me how things like at Trader Joes which are from overseas are fine without tons of preservetives but here in the states that is not the case....another great thing about Trader Joes that I just found out this week is that they accept food stamsp so when all of the crap at jfs gets straightened out I can go to Trader Joes still.............YEAH!!!1 I fineshed reading the second book in the series by Dee Henderson of not sure what the series is called but it is about The O'malley siblings..........GREAT books if you like mysteries but not lots of gore plus she is a Christian author so that some of the things going on in the stories deal with a person'a belief or non beliefi in God. I have not read any of her other books outside of this series but hear that they are not as good. I am tempted later on today to sit down and read that whole book today........yes they are that good! So...........anyone have books that they would lik to recommend? I will read most anything but not into lots of gore or science fiction but most anything mom used to joke with me that if nothing else was around when I was litte that I would read the ceral box...I have read from an early age and still enjoy it.........funny story about me when I was little I was only like in the 3rd grade and we had moved so the paper had to be stopped and it had not started at our new place so I went to my mom's office every day after work and she tells about me walking into where she worked mad at her and said since you stopped the paper Pearl S Buck died and I did not know it! She said the way I said it one would have thoght that I knew the woman.........ha ha.


Blogger SpringMist said...

Wassup friend?
Yeah u are right bout the vegie diet. Certain vegie meals do sometimes lack certain vital proteins n iron.
I am usually broke too especially in the middle of the month so I will be stingy on buying good food and I guess the nutrition content in the stuff I buy will take a nose dive.
I love mushrooms though and usually stock up on canned ones!
How is ur job hunting going? I guess u are probably hitting Good luck with your week!

2:47 PM  
Blogger villain820 said...

Happy Birthday!

7:40 PM  
Blogger CRUSTY MOM-E said...

Hope things are improving for you by this point.
July 15th 2007!

9:02 AM  

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