Monday, June 18, 2007

Food and Eating and Addictions

Years ago when I was at a AA meeting someone said that when she was old she thought she would probably end up being addicted to her rocking one who gets addicted to things quite easily and now with working on giving up pop I have thought of that often....wondering if my pop addiction will change to diet cherry koolaide....I have found myself in the last week having trouble eating....both Saturday and Sunday I ate one meal. I think it is a combination of some good things like wanting to eat less and eat better yet I should aim for 3 meals or 6 mini mini meals they say (they being dieticians and doctors....and not so great things such as my medication issues causing havoc on my brain and body. Today has so far been better not great but better than this weekend. I was really frustrated this morning because I heated up a Lean Cuisine and it said on the front of the package that it was 200 calories..well I was eating it thinking this is alot of food for 200 calories and look on the back of the package and it was to be two servings! It is the first time that I ever ate a Lean Cuisine that was two servings but probably should have known because of the amount of pizza rolls there were....which by the way were great! The pizza rolls were breakfasst and then I had to go to my appointment and was gone for about 4 hours and got home and was hungry so ate about a half serving of crackers and a V8 and now I am hungry again two hours later so probably should eat something but am thinking about not since there usually are some yummy things to eat at home group....but should not go hungry and then eat sugar stuff. So I guess the thing that I find myself struggling with in many areas of my life is any feedback...experiences....struggles with those issues? My lj's for today are....had a message from an aquintance from the past so it will be good to chat with her soon.....getting to see and pet the two dogs who hang out at the offices at CFED - Winston and Dot both sweeties...probably getting to borrow a book from Stacy tonight I need something good to read....


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