Saturday, June 02, 2007

O.A. meeting

I went to an O.A. meeting today...for those who are not familier it is Overeaters Anon. similar to AA and NA for compulsive overeaters and people who consider themselves addicted to food. It was hard to go but went with a friend so that helped greatly. I have not been for years. It was good to be in a room of people who I could so relate to what they were sharing. Yesterday and today have been full of tears due to a combination of not sleeping last night and also with trying to find a rehab place to go to for awhile...someone asked me a question which I thought is a good question that many people probably have and that is would I consider doing the lapband procedure after treatment and yes I would think about that and also I in the research I have done and will know more about Tuesday evening that I would have to lose weight to be elgible for the operation and also I have heard and seen people have the operations and not dealt with binge eating and really screwed up their stomach and intestines and such. I find myself also trying to start planning for if I do go away for treatment for awhile....what to do with Gracie...would she be allowed to stay at the vets office boarding for a month or so knowing my mom cannot have her at her place yet would visit her....or perhaps if my friend John comes back to Columbus he could stay at my place and also take care of her perhaps...was thinking to save money here I would cancel my cable for while I am gone...put the phone on vacation mode that makes it much cheaper....probably put a timer on a light or two if John was not here and have my mail stopped.....I really prefer to go to the place in Andover since it deals with people my size and even larger....they have exercise equipment for people my size and have p.t. who would help me also....some of my worries got answers to today when I saw that they have a computer lab and also friends and family and PETS can it would be easy to stay in touch with people. I made a joke about getting an IPOD or something but know that there is no way I can afford it right now and if I had the money would spend it wiser...that is another thing is with being able to cancel some things or put in vacation mode I could handle those things just with my disability check.....................I find myself exited and scared........


Blogger CRUSTY MOM-E said...

What about a dog walking service?? So Gracie stays in the comforts of her home, and someone comes daily more than 4x to take her out, walk her for a minimum of 30minutes and so forth. There are a great deal of college students hoping for a summer job.
*Gracie is a doggie, right??* :)

2:11 PM  

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