Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Tired Tuesday

i did sleep last night better than i have been so that is a good thing. i am tired still though and i think it is because of feeling more of the bipolar symptoms. one thing that i am proud of myself is that i have kept on doing things such as did help out at church and had a god time with mom on sunday...went to a shower on sunday for stacy and that was fun...just a few of us but we had lots of good conversations.yesterday i had my appointment with nan and it was good and then went to a small group last evening.
i am thinking of and starting to look into impatient for my eating disorders. it is something that i think that would be really helpful. i am losing weight but could do it more healthy. the main issue is most places who are treatment centers take people who deal with anorexia or bulemia and not super obese binge eaters. i also know that for someone who struggles with eating disorders for example struggles with anorexia to be around someone my weight triggers them and at times it triggers me when i am around someone who is anorexia or such.
the biggest issue that keeps me not wanting to pursue such a program is gracie. i know though there are places and people who will do foster care for animals and also gracie will have a better life when i am able to do more physical tasks.
one large joy i have to share is that i ordered a small pizza yesterday and it had six small pieces and i was able to eat three yesterday and then three today and am so happy that i did not binge.
some lj's for today...........warm sunny day....knowing that i am getting out with gracie to go with mom to run some errands......blogger buddies....another big joy is to have slept some last night..........i read the Bible today which is something i want and feel the need to do each day....got an email from my sister.....
kind of a funny story i think...i had called my friend eleanor to leave a message and gracie who has been so quiet all day started barking so i said on the message i am sorry for the noise in the barkground instead of saying background which i corrected what i said but just funny to me because gracie was so barky at that time.
eating has been alright in general...i need to eat something in the early evening and not go without eating from like 3:00 p.m. till like 12:00 noon the next day.i want to start trying some of the suggestions people commented on the blog and it works for him or her.
gracie is outside and it is beautiful day to have the door open with the spring air coming in and such.............i hope that eveyone has a good tuesday...full of some lj's


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