Thursday, May 01, 2008

tired in many ways......................

i just got up from trying to take a nap...i did not sleep but spent a good amount of time trying to figure out some things. today has been an o.k. day....i went to worthington to see nan for my session....i saw the doctor and he raised one of my medications and asked me to check in with him next week when i see nan. dr. weiss is a great doctor. i feel very comfortable with talking with him and sharing with him what i think and such. he is hoping that raising the medication will help me get some sleep and help my other bipolar symptoms ease up.

it is interesting to me how bipolar affects people in all different type of symptoms but no matter what the symptoms are this time of year in the spring really brings on more symptoms for many people as does fall.he and nan both this week have seen a good number of people who have bipolar having rough times. i am not happy that other people are struggling yet it is comforting to know that i am not the only fact yesterday one of the therapist who works with nan wanted to get one of her clients into the hospital and out of 5 hopsitals in our city no hosptital had any rooms! i am assuming the client had to go outside of the city to another city about a half hour away.

i did have a really enjoyable time with eleanor last evening. she is so easy to talk to and it seems to me she and i always find things to talk about. she is such a good friend....and i think she is one of those people i will always stay in touch with even if one of us moves or such. i am not thinking of moving but she is thinking of moving back to the state of washington in a few years.

i am enjoyed sitting out on my patio soaking in the sun. i need to find a good book to start reading while i am out there or maybe i will take one of my puzzle books. i am trying to decide if a want to get any pots of flowers this year. the ground in my patio is not good at all for gardening....the one area i have a rose bush that it looks like if it blooms any this year it will be its last. i am going to ahve to wait and see. i am concerned too if i get pots of flowers then gracie will try to eat them......

speaking of gracie..while i was resting i heard her getting into a plastic bag and then i heard her tearing with her teeth a plastic wrapper and she had gotten into the plasitic bag and took out the chew bone that was in the wrapper and got the bone out and she looked so proud of herself when she walked by me kind of like fast walking so i would not take the bone from her and after all of that work she deserved it i think.

some lj's for today...the sun and slight appointments going well....gracie....getting rides to meet michelle next thursday...things like that...oh also knowing that my friend andrew had a enjoyable time reading outside........


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