Saturday, April 26, 2008

Back home after the library.............

I enjoyed the time that I spent at the library. I decided to read some magazines and enjoyed them Time for me goes so fast when I read. I am so waiting for some money I will get in May to pay off my fines and be able again to check out books. I am determined to just cheak out a limit of 3 books so that I do not lose them or forget where I put them...and have a spot where I leave them when I am not reading them.
One thing that I need to get control of is to not order a milky way freeze when I am down is like a cold coffee espresso mixed wtih like chocolte milk and buzzed up with ice and then whip cream. There is a place in the library that sells coffee and coffee drinks and cookies and such all wonderful things....but since I have been cutting out some sugar and such I want to make it a goal to for right now order them only like twice a month and then since I always want to treat myself when I see Java Master I will treat myself to a skim latte with no sugar flavorings. I also did not have any of the protein bars in my bag so being a bit hungry did not help.
I was bummed a bit because nobody was out on the benches to talk to...I like to people watch yet I also like to hear about whatever one might share with me. I think another incentive for me to not get the high calorie drink is that I always like to when I go to the main library have some small amount of cash so if someone needs or wants a drink or such I can get it for them. I would also when I go to the Dollar Tree get some of the water bottles that one used over and over to give to some of the homeless to have to be able to get water even from the fountain or be able to get it from Java Master who right now charges a quarter for the cup of water which is the cost of the cup they say ...but I think it is that the management of Java Master does not want to serve them. I was just thinking just now how if Andrew and I lived closer we could have some great conversations with some of the guys and woman who hang out there or the people who we know in general.
I wanted to share something that I was happy about but forgot to mention.....My doctor is very very strict when it comes to her writing the rx for my pain medication. She knows that I used in the past...sometimes in the past I thought she was too strict yet when I went for my annual check up for bloodwork and such I asked her that even if I did not need the new rx till in a week could I have it that day so I do not have to come back to her office since the rx is for a narcotic she cannot call it in and even told her you could postdate if if she would prefer to do that..and she said it is fine for her to give it to me and she trusted me so she did not postdate it. I also have figured out something that seems to work better for me and that I can take it twice a day and I have started taking the pain medication early evening and it starts to kick in about the time that I go to sleep so makes me sleep better and then take it when i am getting ready for the lasts agout eight hours it says but for me it lasts about 6 hours whch the doctor knows. I am jsut happy for her to trust me. I know I will say that I do think some about abusing the medications BUT really do not want to screw things up with my other medications or get so she will not give me the pain has been about 15 years now and I do not want to lose all of these years of hard work and such just for a very temporary buzz. Well trying to decide what I want for dinner..........hmm...........not sure right now.........


Blogger Sharyna said...

I wish we all lived closer together, you me and Andrew. We could all help each other.


11:15 AM  

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