Tuesday, April 15, 2008

It is Tuesday and I am tired........

I tossed and turned and did not sleep much last night due to the physical pain and my racing thoughts. I did make it up early (for me being out of my home by 10:00 a.m is early) and made it to the meeting I had today. The meeting went really well and I am blessed to be in a communtiy of other Jesus loving people who love me as I am and at the same time encourage me to be a better person. They are going to help me with some of the things that I need to have done on my place. I know too that I was nervous so now that it is over and I can relax it makes me even more tired. I tend to be like Soul and do better at writing than talking often times.
It is a sunny day outside and a bit warmer today it is about 48 degrees...I am really ready for spring temperatures to be here.
I am taking this from Soul's blog and sharing 6 non important quirks or habits. I could relate to the things that she wrote.

1. If I am waking up or going to go someplace I like for it to be an even number of minutes so lest say that I wake up at 10:15 I wait until it is 10:20 and such. I think that I got that from my ex who always was like that.
2. I get all bent out of shape if I am late going anywhere and prefer to get there really early instead but here is what makes it weirder is that I am really fine if people are running late.
3. I tend to wear the same colors most of the time which are purple and brown and black and the dark wash jean color
4. I do mcuh better at writing to communicate than with talking even though my grammer and spelling are often fair at best.
5. I am related to Nancy Hanks who was Abe Lincoln's wife and she also struggled with mental illnesses...I wonder how much things are gene related. I joke about it being in the genes but wonder too how many generations people have struggled with depression and such.
6. If I am eating peanut butter I prefer just having a spoonful or two just eating it from the spoon and not on a sandwich.
So who else wants to play?
O.K. et me think of some lj's so far for today....the sun shining....seeing constance this morning who is such a cutie and bright little on who is 14 months....having some coca cola cherry zero which is wonderful!......watching gracie be so exited for it to be sunny outside......and a big joy is how well the meeting went today....
well I think I am going to write my cousin and others some emails and then head to the couch for a nap..............


Blogger SOUL said...

this was cool.. thanks for doing it-- and thanks again to bon-- if she finds her way over here :))

i have that early thing too-- i'm always fifteen or twenty minutes early just about anywhere i go-- i have a habit of getting lost or bad luck catching up wit me somewhere along the way-- so -- better early than late-- :)) i guess.

i'm tired too---

hope you get some sleep tonight-

7:23 PM  
Blogger Lena said...

I am an early bird as well. I have to get there early and stake out my seat or space or what ever.

I don't care if people are late, I just need to be settled in for a while before things get going.

Very interesting that you are related to Abe Lincoln's wife.


5:04 PM  

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