Friday, April 11, 2008

Haircut and Shopping..............

My day started out quiet and late in the day....We had some thunder storms last night and Gracie does not like storms and gets scared. She did not bark much which is good she just paces and keeps getting on the bed wanting me to pet her and such. She was funny last night because she tried to pace back and forth on my bed! I finally got her to calm back down after the storms and we both slept in today...I did feel bad when I got up in the middle of the night and realized that her water bowl was empty so filled that back was not really my fault because she had water when I went to bad she just drank so much because of getting dry from her being nervous and such.
Mom paid for me to get my hair cut today. I was so glad because I really needed it! I prefer the way my hair looks when it is short plus with keeping it this short it keeps the curls in better hair when it grows with the curls it does not grow much in length but it gets poofy. It is interesting how something such as getting my hair cut helps my mood.

We stopped at the store on the way home. I get so frustrated at myself when I forget things when shopping. I had done that huge shopping trip just what a week or so ago and needed to get some things today because I did not buy enough last time. It was a quick trip for Mom and I so am back at home.

What fun things are people going to do this weekend? I am going to do laundry and try to clean some and such. Tomorrow one of the churches is putting on the production of "Jesus Christ Superstar". Mom and I saw it a few years ago..this church teen and young adults do an excellent job. We both were surprized at some of the songs and how it sounded professional. I think tonight I plan to just relax and watch some t.v. I like watching "What Not To Wear" and some of the shows on Homes and Gardens channel and then also TLC even the medical shows I like.Sunday it will be a typical day for me with church and then out to eat with Mom and then not sure since I will not need to go shopping. I have not been sharing lj's like I used to some for the past couple of days....i always enjoy sitting outside on one of the benches when I am waiting my appointment with Nan....reading off $20.00 worth of fines when I went to the library because I read for two and a half hours...finding detergent on sale today at Giant Eagle which was only $3.00 for a large bottle....glad that we had some warmer days even if it does rain....gracie is always a lj for cousin brian and i emailing these days and a large joy is that he is feeling better and is out of the hospital...another large joy is all of the ways my Mom helps socks which it is a funny thing that i go thru socks so fast and i really like socks these days better than going barefoot....i am eager to hear if anyone wants to share is good for my mental health when i do remember to think of lj's aka little joys and blessings that are in my might be surprized if you try it and see how it does help one's day been better even if it is a cruddy day.


Blogger villain820 said...

My weekend is work tomorrow and Sunday morning. But I do have Sunday afternoon off!

Haircuts always make me feel better.

Have a great weekend and take care!

7:39 PM  
Blogger Sharyna said...

I am soooo glad that you had a good day. I'm sure the haircut looks cute!


8:05 PM  
Blogger Moohaa said...

Hey thanks for commenting to me. I'm feeling less down now.

Do we ever get a pic of you? Especially with the new "do"?

Have a great Sunday!

2:23 PM  

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