Saturday, March 01, 2008

Mega pain yet productive day............

so far! my pain seems to keep increasing this week yet i find myself being more stubborn about keeping on to get things done and also being firm with myself to rest my legs too. today mom picked me and gracie up around 10:15 a.m. to run errands. gracie loves to ride and is so so good when she rides. we went to a place where the church gives me some help which is such a huge blessing! we then went to the grocery store...she went in first and then we took her things back to her place because my plan was between the church help and the grocery store to be stocked up really well for some weeks so it was a trunk full. it is hard on me to do a massive shopping like that and to get it all inside and put away yet i feel so good when i get it done and also it makes the rest of the month easier with just having to perhaps pick up just a few things if that. mom treated her and i to tim horton's tim bits and hot chocolate while we were running errands. i really like their hot chocolate!
mom's arthritis has been really bothering her these past few weeks. she has it really bad in her hands. she is to me and others amazing for her age...she for years i have called the duracell bunny because she keeps going and going and going....i think though it is time for me to ask someone else to take me shopping and to help me carry things to my patio since it is really getting hard for her. she would never say that it is but yet i know that it is. i think if i could have someone help with the big shopping and then with the little ones i can easily get them to the patio myself. today the grass where i typically walk is sheer ice and so have to go up and down the big step and that is hard. mom tries to help yet i do not want her to hurt herself and such. i am determined by next winter to have a railing i can hold onto and have a ramp too!
i got home and got most of the reminding calls that i needed to make done. i got the info too late i thought to email people to remind them about working with the children tomorrow so i called them to remind them. i did get the fridge and freezer cleaned out last all of these are lj's for me. i had asked the question yesterday about sweet or salty but forgot to answer it and typically i prefer salty to sweet.
speaking of food reminds me of ed. it has been rougher lately. i know that my ed increases when my physical pain is acute i know for many people it is quite the opposite but not for me. i think that also with the weather issues and with big things in life in february such as my daughter turning 21. i also try to remind myself that overall things have been SO much with my eating and dealing with ed. i know too the more that i pray before i eat and not wait until after the binge and pray when i am wanting to binge and turn that over to God of course it helps...sure i might still fall and stumble but it is lessesned most times. i know too it is so true that if one does not eat on a regular basis it sets one up for a binge so even if i am not hungry i need to eat something small a few times or else i will end up binging big time in the evening. i tried today to make choices that are healthy and things that i like such as yougurt in a few flavors since i really like it and that is good for part of a meal or a snack or small meal. i do much better if instead of regular meals i eat like 6 mini meals.
o.k. my question for today is are you more of a morning person or evening? i am so NOT a morning person. i do better waking up later morning or early afternoon and then stay up later too. i did better too when i worked afternoon or evening or even years ago night times.


Blogger Moohaa said...

Sounds like you got a lot done today, thats good. It always feels good when the fridge and pantry are stocked up.

I am SO a night person. I'm not so much grumpy in the morning as just plain useless. I can't seem to think. But I'm up easily till 3am, so that doesn't help either. Great question.

Hey, I posted about disability today would you read it and see if you have any tidbits to offer?

3:52 PM  
Blogger jAMiE said...

Hi there...i left a little something for you on my blog, please stop by and pick it up when you get a few moments.

Take care and have a wonderful Sunday,

11:47 PM  
Blogger villain820 said...

It is great that you had a productive day. It feels good to get things done.

I remember as a young kid I was always up very early. That stunk seeing my friends slept so late. Now I hate getting up early, I need to gradually get going. I can stay up all night.

4:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a MORNING person. I start falling asleep at 9 pmish most work days but I can get up at 5:30 a.m. without the alarm waking me up.

I am praying for you knee and your pain. God can work miracles :)

6:43 PM  

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