Tuesday, February 19, 2008


it is really cold out today. it makes it colder with the wind too. gracie who typically does not mind the cold kept running right back in after doing her business. i noticed one of her paws seems more sensative to the ice and snow because if she stays out too long she will hop on that paw or put it up and not use it. the days that it is cold and she does not want to come in after a few minutes i still make her due especially with that paw.

gracie i admit is spoiled. she often times does not want her dry food so i give in and give her some wet food. again i know she is spoiled. so like kids when they are away from home they eat things that they do not at home so........when gracie was being boarded she ate her dry food so well she did not need any of her wet food. so we got home and i put out the dry food and she will not touch it so have been giving her a bit of wet food...not enough that would fill her up but just a bit.......so this week starting yesterday she started eating more of her dry food but did not want me to notice (like i would not have noticed when i looked in her bowl) but anyway i was in the kitchen and heard her chewing so walked in the other room to tell her good girl and she looked at me like she had done something i was not to know about like what i am not doing anything. so then today she ate a good deal of dry for her and i think she has a full tummy so she does not need any wet food today. one more thing about gracie.......when she gets really hungry she often times will pick up the bowl i put her wet food in and bring it to me.

i have been doing a survey since i was 17 and it follows people from that age until adults and tracks this generation(i am in my 40's) with education and family and jobs and such and they pay one well so it is silly not to take part of it. it used to be every year and now i think it is every other year. they are to call me tonight to take part in it and i think this year i get like $70.00 which is great. it sometimes takes an hour but again not bad money or time and is kind of a way to help i think since the information it used by lots of places.

i am concerned about a fellow blogger andrew. he has been quiet on his blog which is not like him... i do not know exactly where he lives but it is in alabama and i know that it had some rough weather recently. if you are reading this andrew and are not into blogging on your site could you please email me to say you are alright and such AND remember andrew you are my blogger buddy and NOTHING changes that even if you did drink or such. it is so interesting to me how close one can get to people i never have met yet i know so well.

i want to write some about me and ed and will do that later on tonight or tomorrow........o.k. lj's for today some are basics yet i am thankful for and feel blessed........a warm place to live...food...a great friend gracie...fun conversation with mom...computer....i did not have to get out today...an email from a fellow blogger...


Blogger villain820 said...

Gracie sounds like such a good dog. Dogs are such a wonderful addition to our lives. My dog is so spoiled she thinks she runs the house.

6:04 PM  

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