Thursday, February 21, 2008

feeling very human today...............

i have been a grump all day! i am not proud of it and really embarrassed at some of the things that i said and things that i thought. i am so glad that we have a forgiving God who forgives me when i am a real crud to not only myself yet to other people also. i am so glad that not only does God forgive yet He loves me as i am and encourages me to be a better person. i kept thinking today (one will know that i worked with lots of kids when i think of this book on days like today) that there are some horrible terrible no good days even in australia....from the book alexander and the horrible terrible no good day.......
the day was not that horrible just my outlook on things more than what happened today i think.
i met with my mental health doctor and am on again a new medication! i had therapy and it was good to get some reality checks on some things and be able to emotionally vomit and get good feedback. mom and i went to the store and out to eat and i was a royal grump and not nice and then sad because i was such a grump and such....

it is supposed to snow and rain and sleet over the next 24 if it does all of that i will not be going out tomorrow evening to small group and if it stays like it on saturday will not be able to go help out at the church swap and such. i think part of my being grumpy is having to stay inside lots yet not feeling up to doing much either because of mental health issues or physical issues. well i think with all that has gone on today i really need to focus on some lj's big time....

lj's for last evening (since i did not get back on to post any) and today....i did not binge yesterday....gracie is eating more dry food so not having to give her wet food every day....gracie even on my worst feeling days she is a joy.....nice mainstream drivers...someone (most likely the guys who live above me) shoveled my sidewalk from the main sidewalk to my patio such a large joy and bought me dinner and some groceries and paid for the new medication....i am fine with food and such if i have to stay inside until monday...watching the dvd that came with the cd of "once" seeing how they made part of the movie....asking nan for some postives that she sees in me and with my process and was blessed and comforted by what she shared....seeing gracie be delighted when i come back home even if i was just gone a short time....knowing my mom puts up with me even when i am grumpy...that is more of a large joy....anyone want to share any?


Blogger Lena said...

It is supposed to snow a lot here tomorrow. I will be house bound, too! But I have plenty of books to read to pass the time away.

I remember that Alexander and the terrible, no good, very bad day. I used to read it to my kids and I was just thinking about it the other day.

Take Care,

5:06 PM  
Blogger villain820 said...

We are supposed to get snow as well. I am very lucky to have a car that can get thru it. I hate that feeling of being stuck at home. It works on my nerves.

I have been having those grumpy days more often. You should not feel bad about being grumpy, we all have those days.

My little joys today are that my dog made it to her 14th birthday.

7:08 PM  
Blogger CRUSTY MOM-E said...

Are you as sick of winter as I am??

Hmm, LJ's for me?: Planning a trip to florida next week so I can be in warm weather.

unfortunately that's all I've got..I'm in a crank of a mood,"She's around, my dear pal, "pam." she's ontime this month, for the first time since age 16...

Happy Thursday, oh, another LJ, it's almost friday!
Thank you for asking!
I hope you have a better day on friday!!!!

7:21 PM  
Blogger Moohaa said...

Right now, I'm feeling pretty cruddy myself. I'm glad your neighbors were so sweet. I sure hope you don't get stuck there til Monday, that would stink.

lj's .. finally selling my book, my husband .. buying some new clothes

10:50 PM  
Blogger jAMiE said...

We are having a bit of snow here as i type, nothing major though.

Hope you feel better, more yourself soon...and hope the weather isn't too bad so you can get out if you want to.

Have a great weekend!

7:33 AM  
Blogger Rhette said...

Everyone gets grumpy at times, we hope the people that care about us understand.

It's still snowing here. I hope you're enjoying your snow as much as I'm loving it here.

sent you email :) Take care

11:44 AM  

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