Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Happy Day

I am so thrilled because starting yesterday afternoon and is still continuing on I have been happy and peaceful and so so so much better then I was! I could just feel inside prayers were being said for me which I am so very grateful for! I had an appointment with Dr. Hill today and it went really well....Dr. Hill is the director of CFED and is such a wise and compassionate woman. I saw her because of Nan (current therapist) being out sick and Dr. Hill was concerned with Will's leaving and with spring being here with my bipolar and all that she offered to see me and it looks like Nan will be back next Monday but Dr. Hill already set me up for an appointment to see her next week in case Nan is still out sick. I just feel so supported and cared about at CFED. Gracie is enjoying the good weather though not real pleased that the grass is getting mowed in my there is a dog in the complex across the parking lot from where my building is and Gracie and the other dog keep "talking" so in order to not drive my neighbors crazy with the barking she is having to come inside some.
I keep thinking like many people about what happened in Virginia....I just pray God that people wil turn to you for comfort and that those people who love you God will share you with those asround them. God help us all who are wondering Why God Why and help us turn to you with our questions and feelings eveb when we do not understand...and some questions we may never have questions for in this lifetime on earth. One thing that I get so concerned about when something like this happens is that the media feeds into the fears many have about people with mental illness(s) ......yes there are people that if they are not being treated with support and medications do bad things very very things yet there are many many more people who struggle with mental illness(s) treated and not treated that are NOT violent and do NOT do bad things to people and who would NEVER act out...the only other think that I can think of right now to add is to encourage us all to continue to pray for all that are affected by the event in Virgina.


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