Saturday, April 14, 2007

NOT a good few days!

It has been a really really rough couple of days with food and my binge eating and my depression and my physical pain and with not having a food has not been this bad in months. I think lots of it has to do with changes such as Will not here in Ohio anymore...I really thought that the job that I went to the second interview for that I would get that...I also know part of it is not taking all of my medications thinking that if I miss a dose every few days then the medications will last longer and I do know that this is not a wise plan that I am doing....I also know when my stress is way way high then sometimes my thinking is not my best. I know that I cannot miss my evening medication or the pain medication so it is the other 3 that I skip some days. I told myself that I need to start taking my medications the way that the rx is written. It is a rainy rainy day! I slept lots last is another way that I can tell that my depression is more lately. I am so frustrated with myself I have so so much I have got to do around my place and have the time and it keeps getting moved to another day.....I need to spend time in the Bible and am not doing that....." this is the air i breathe your holy presence living in me...this is my daily bread this is my daily bread your very word spoken to me and I AM DESPERATE FOR YOU AND I AM LOST WITHOUT YOU......" (worhip song BREATHE not sure who wrote it).


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