Sunday, April 01, 2007

E.R. visit

i went to the riverside e.r. last night because the acute pain had started again...and again it just ended up being really acute for about an hour and then i was left just really really sore. i was told that where the pain was is not typically where gallstones would be and perhaps it was a kidney stone so decided that i should have a catscan(sp?) well for anyone who knows me well knows that i freak and am super super clusterphobic even yes when it is an that one can see around the first time they tried i freaked really really really bad have not paniced that much in was not a good time for anyone me or the people trying to do the test and i ended up dry heaving and pounding (i am told) on the outside of the machine so they were not very cool about the whole situation so they took me back to the room i was in and left me and mom had stepped out so i am stuck then in the bed with the rails up and had droppped the nurse call button so the panic attack then my mom comes in and the nurse and the doctor and nurse had decided to give me a large dose of an anti anxiety medication thru a i.v. so that it would hit me faster and i prayed and asked mom to pray and explained to the nurse that the unrational fear was that i would get stuck in the machine and she explained how that would not happen and talked to some of the techs because then about a half hour later when they tried the test again i was fine....combination i am sure of my calling on jesus lots and lots and the mom praying and others and the medication. so there are no kidney stones and they are saying that i have strained muscles or tendons in my back and to follow up with my regular doctor. i am not a doctor yet it baffles me that pain in ones middle back that is so acute at times that it is worse then natural childbirth might be more then muscles strained. i have a rx for a muscle relaxer so that is the scoop. i am going over to my moms later on today to celebrate my sister's birthday and hopefully today or tomorow get the rx filled


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have had acute back pain, to the point of it taking my breath away and cannot walk or get out of bed, or lie in bed, or stand or anything, it can get that bad!

Hope you can get it taken care of. Pain sucks


1:56 PM  

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