Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Tuesday Ramblings

i do not know much today to write about. i slept lots last night and it was so good to wake up rested. my pain level has still been acute today but helped being off of it while sleeping and resting. mom and i went out to run some errands...well i was just along for the ride. it got cool today and rainy off and on so we stopped to get hot cocoa which tasted so good! we went to the little airline in the city and looked at planes most of the planes there are either like the two seat ones or the ones that hold 10 -20 people. we saw one land but that was it.
i have got to do something to take up some of my time. i keep talking about it but than do not do anything about it....i would like to have the energy level and pain level down so that i could do some things in my place that need to be done....i will probably go to bed early and watch t.v. and such to relax my legs. i did today use the walker today again because it does help lots to take the pressure off that left knee....makes me walk slower but i am more steady for which i am grateful for that. tomorrow i see al my case manager and meet in borders so looking foward to that.
i am not sure why but gracie was so good yesterday being on the patio soaking in the sun and was not barking much at all and today maybe it is the weather is not great but she has been having to go in and out due to her barking and true it is the time people are getting home from work so that has some to do with it........i think this is a really boring post but cannot think of much to say today........


Blogger SOUL said...

it's not boring--
not many people do some of the things that you do-- i find it interesting -- i really do, i'm not just sayin that.

plus-- even though you don't get around alot, you do GET out and do get around. and even simple things like watching planes-- is at lest NOT sittin in the house feeling sorry for yourself. that is HUGE. so many people don't realize that. it really is HUGE, in your situation. you need to realize that. and be proud of it. really. i am.

keep it up-- you really are doin better than you see you are. it's the little things that make the big difference in the end.

beleive it or not-- for me, if i wash my dishes-- or pay my bills-- on time--or even at all-- it's huge for me. all it is is half hour on my feet-- or 15-30 minutes writin some checks-- or a trip to the po box whatever-- BUT to me-- it's huge at times.

enjoy your little successes -- see them for what they are -- for YOU.. maybe it is nothing or not important to anyone else but YOU -- but this is about YOU. remember that.

and have a great day!

3:38 AM  
Blogger mosiacmind said...

Thanks Soul...you are right that I am doing better than I think right now...it helps to get out of my place but often I have panic attacks when I am out and about. thanks for the reminders and the encouragement.

7:44 AM  

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