Saturday, May 24, 2008

Back from the library.................

green color in praise of the gorgous day full of sun....warm temperature...birds singing and beautiful trees and shrubs and flowers. i sat outside for awhile at the library and enjoyed some other lj's for the day.i had to bring gracie in because she was making all sorts of noise because of the birds....i do not mind but i think my neighbors would not be thrilled though the newer neighbors i have do not seem to have a problem with her like some others who one woman was just mean and grumpy to everyone.

i went to the library and enjoyed reading and people watching. i was waiting on mainstream to pick me up to go and the pain in my left knee hurt so so so bad i did not think that i could go but i did. i was glad that i went. one of my favorite drivers picked me up coming back home and we always find things to talk about. i did splurge and got a milky way freeze which is like a espresso milkshake and it is SO GOOD but so not needed. i have not eaten much today so need to eat something decent for dinner. i had way too much chocolate for me with the freeze and the cocoa at timjortons...i have eaten today 4 tim bits and then before i went to the library i ate a bagel with cream cheese....not sure whast i am going to eat tonight...the only thing that sounds good to me is popcorn...not that popcorn is bad to eat just i need to try to have that as a snack not a meal. i think i might have a frozen dinner.......maybe have a v8 too. i was thinking of a slimfast drink but again more chocolate that i do not need and they are not in the fridge yet and for me to really like them they need to be really cold.

i do not use my cell phone much but it is good to have for things such as long distance and things like that. i used it today to call my mom as i was waiting on maisntream because of having the feelings of a panic attack starring up and talking for a few minutes helped and having one of my favorite drivers pick me up. even with those things it feels good to be home and it still has been a good day. i hope that everyone has lj's today and that the rest of the weekend goes well.....share some lj's or tell me about your day........: )


Blogger Lena said...


Sounds like you had a great day.

It is finally going to get warm here today! It has been so chilly, sort of like fall weather.

Today we are going to a picnic at my mother's house. That is my lj for today.


5:17 AM  

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