Monday, May 26, 2008


I am not sure if it is because of my age or what but this Memorial Day has me thinking more about war and how many of our young men and woman are dying daily in the war. I was little when Vietnam War was going on so perhaps that is why.
Last night I slept so so good such a relief! I am using the cane some and the walker more than my norm. It really helps this left knee lots. It makes me realize more that I need to get some help with this knee perhaps with p.t. or something. The knee needs replaced but due to weight issues and rehab and all of that I need to wait until I lose lots of weight.
Today it is warm and pretty even though we are expecting rain. I have the door open and Gracie is really for the most part being a good dog and not barking too much for which I am so thankful.
She loves being outside on the patio and I enjoy having her be so happy and enjoy having the door open but living in a building with 16 units I have to be aware so she does not bark too much and bother the neighbors speaking of neighbors upstairs seem to be really nice guys..noisey but nice. i do not feel too bad when gracie is barking a bit much because they have never complained and i think they know too that they are noisey at times too.
I wanted to answer something Soul wrote me about in a comment. I can always get rides to church with the program that I ride which is public transit for people with disabilities so that is not a problem most of the time. The problem yesterday was the pain and my walking and I had not slept. I have missed two weeks in a row so that was sad to me. I missed both times becaue of the physical pain. I think it is more acute since I fell once and tripped a few times this past week.
It is an lj to have such a warm sunny day outside even if we are expecting some rain...gracie being SO good on the patio today....having some sprite zero is good since i need to cut down on my drinking regular pop which actualy some doctors say that since diet pop has so many additives and salt that it is better in the long run to cut back on pop and when one does drink pop to have regular....i have some new shirts that my mom got me for summer and am wearing one of them is pretty and she did a great job picking out ones that i would like....i am wearing a tank underneath it though today because my mom tends to keep her place cold due to her hot flashes.....grateful not to have hot flashes so far when i get one of those hormone flashes weird as it is mine are cold ones. my sister m and i tend to get werid things with our bodies and it tends to be the same type of things....o.k. i got off the subject of lj's........emails and comments from blogger buddies is another lj.....picnic food is going to be another lj. hope that everyone has a good day......................


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