Friday, May 09, 2008

my thursday

i was in SO MUCH PAIN when i got home last night but had a really good day. i had my session with nan and that went well. i met my friend michelle at the mall and we always have a good time talking and laughting and such. i had one of those frozen coffee drinks which are SO good i think and then later on we at at ruby tuesdays and bless her michelle paid for mine. i had the salad bar and a baked potatoe and instead of having it loaded i just got it with cheese on it and it was yummy. i wanted to pick up some cookies to take home with me but did not so am happy with myself for that choice. i think next time that michelle and i get together at the mall we are going to just get dessert and coffee or tea. i was in LOTS of pain by the end of the outing. i think that next time i am going to ask if we can just stay in the food court or just go to one of the places tom eat such as ruby tuesdays or tgi fridays. she is really understanding about my legs and has some limitations herself since she uses a wheelchair. i did go to the boutique for pets yes it has lots of expensice and fancy treats and leashes and such i did get gracie some peanut butter cookies for dogs there...
i just got back from going over to mom's for lunch and my nephew j and his wife c and 2 year old almost 3 daughter came for lunch. we had a good time talking and it was a nice visit. it was the first time that c had been to the apartment where mom lives so she enjoyed it. it is a really nice apartment and mom has made lots of friends so i am so happy for her. she lives on the 15th floor and so she can see downtown and osu and lots of great things. i am glad that she faces south because facing north all one can see is that freeway. mom is aging but still a great cook! i wish that i could cook as well as she does! my mom always makes enough for people to take she made a huge and i mean huge as j said enough meatloaf for fifteen people and there was just us four and then k who is one of those kids who do not eat much so i brought some home and so did j and c..............they did not get to stay long because of having to drive an hour each way and had to get back in time for when the older kids got out of some lj's for today......spending time with family....k really liking the toys that i could for her...just a few items for dollar tree.....not being in so much pain today...having someone walk me to and from the bus...coca cola cherry zone to drink.....gracie who is such a wonderful companion for k eat jello and when she got it on the spoon and to her mouth without dropping it she would want her mom to high five her....oh and the rain stopped for now. i like the rain except that my pain increases when it is damp and wet and such......................hope that each of you have a good weekend.............


Blogger Sharyna said...

Sounds like life is good except for the pain. Love to you and Gracie. My lj right now is, TV!


12:14 PM  
Blogger villain820 said...

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12:33 PM  
Blogger villain820 said...

Hope your weekend is good despite the pain. Unfortunately, no lj's for me.

12:33 PM  

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