Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sunday Ramblings.........

today has been a good day.....interesting.......first off it is cold like it is 4 degrees this a.m. and now it is 15 degrees i went to church and it was great....God moving lots! the first thing is working with the kids and not many kids came due to the cold. jeff was out of town so sheila taught on money and giving and it was an excellent teaching and convicting! i got some prayer and had been convicted and so had given a dollar which is my tithe for this week and was ???? myself thinking a dollar is a dollar but trusted God so later after church i was blessed by a person who blessed me money wise and the amount was enough to cover a bill i needed to pay and needed groceries. God is so good even when my faith at times is lacking in areas with money and finances. oh also my friend elenore was able to bring me home because the church service ended early so i would have been having to wait for mainstream perhaps in the cold since the everything would have been ready to be closed up. i am sure that someone would have waited for me but did not want to put someone out by having them have to wait on me.
mom and i went out to eat like we do and then did our typical run to walgreens. i got a call from a woman who i know through a group that i go to and i am really upset with myself. i think it is one of those that i feel like i shared too much too soon and i kind of freaked her out....i am not upset with her being freaked out but am upset with me for sharing so much so soon. well today overall has been a good day. mentioned some big joys.........ljs for so far today...eleanore giving me a ride home... talking with some of the little kids...... spending time with mom...michale and sara lending me the dvd of once looking foward to watching that... in spite of the cold the sky was blue and somewhat items at walgreens................anyone have any ljs that they want to share with me?


Blogger Moohaa said...

Trusting God with our finances is a huge step, but a freeing one as well.

Glad you enjoyed your day.

LJ's? the coffee I'm drinking and the earrings in my ears. ;)

1:54 PM  

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