Monday, January 14, 2008

monday and no blues...............

today overall has been a good day....and it has been filled with some lj's and some good choices with food items. i am not sure why yet often times mondays can be rough days especially when pain is acute and such but in spite of it being a gray day and cold around 28 degrees and being in pain today and waking up later than i wanted to it has been a alright day. i ended up taking a frozen dinner to therapy today since i did not have time to eat a real breakfast only having a few cookies and also i usually have about 45 minutes to wait so plenty of time to eat. therapy was hard work at points but went well. it always feels like i acomplished something when i work hard in therapy...because as anyone knows who has been in therapy it is hard work often. vicki who is the receptionist her daughter who i have met wanted me to hear a favoirte singer so i now have a cd of taylor swift. it was so sweet of her to take the time to download the music and i am actually enjoying it so there so far are two lj's. i got home and did not do much except be on the computer. i did order some clothing from the money that bvr gave me to get clothes and shoes so that was fun even with the hassles on the another lj....i have a goal of reading the book of james for 30 days so i since thursday just missed one day which i did not read but did hear james in the teaching that pastor jeff taught on yesterday. i am enjoying reading various versions of the bible for the same another lj........... i am wondering if patrick will make out appointment tomorrow he did not make it last week and we played phone tag a bit but not sure what is going on with him........he said in a message that we HAD to meet last week and not sure that if he had to get paperwork in or if he is quitng ( always concerned about that since case managers have such a record of not staying in the field long). i am still obnoxiously hooked on bubble gum. going to heat to bed soon i think.


Blogger 2sunset said...

I admire your resolve. Keep working and keep writing and soak up the love from those around you with reckless abandon.

Prayers to you.
: )

10:02 PM  
Blogger Moohaa said...

Great lj's for the day! I have a Bible that has four versions in it, so they all are right there as you go through every verse. It makes it nice for wording comparisons. We have a mini-library here, though and have just about every version of the Bible. Good for you for sticking with James. My hubby has to memorize the entire book of Philippians for his Ministry class, so that is where we'll be spending the year!

Take care!

11:35 PM  

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