Wednesday, January 09, 2008


today has been a really good day so far! i had my appointment with jeff who is the pastor of central vineyard. he validated some of the things that i have been thinking about in regards to my quiet time and also encouraged me to reach out to a few woman. i admire his memory and would like to be able to remember like he does! i went to cova after that and had a good meeting with cory my career developer and that went well. we sent in by fax a resume to amysthist who is a place where woman and children live who the adult is in recovery from drugs and drinking. i came home and gracie is a bit better but still kind of grumpy...i will try to put on the cream and powder for her and gave her a pill that should help the pain.

oh about the blueberry muffins i ended up using the pie filling as the liquid instead of putting it in the middle and they were really really good mom and i thought. mom has been blessing me lots since my stove and oven are now working i buy some things and then she cooks them for me such as rice and pasta and chicken and such. it is really a big help because one tires of pbj and microwave dinners at times. i think relooking over what i wrote except for gracie not feeling good all of the rest would be lj's for today. the downer for today was i walked to a coffee place that is near where the central vineyard office and the place just has french roast coffee which if i have cream and some splenda it is good...well it was way stronger than i thought so i did not put much milk into it and walking back because of having my walking with a cane and my purse was extra heavy due to a book and my lunch so i had to dump the coffee because i was spilling it all over so i spent $2.50 on a coffee i had to pitch so lessons learned are when buying coffee from there use 1/4 milk and the rest coffee...not carry anything heavy when trying to carry the coffee or better yet have someone get the coffee for me.

my pain level is still kind of high today too which did not help. i mentioned this before but did not follow thru with it and that is to read the book of james every day for 30 days is something that jeff suggested to do.
o.k. i also want to add how MUCH i appreciate and admire jeff and adrienne i like it when people are real and i can be real back to them and people do not put on a smiley face when they are going through lots of tough things. i thank God so much for him leading me to central vineyard! thanks you God!!!
well going to go hopefully comfort gracie now since she is barking lots..............


Blogger Moohaa said...

Well, barring the coffee incident, sounds like a good day! You are really doing great in pushing to improve your life.

How about sharing the muffin recipe? I loved the oreo ball recipe, so share! :)

I'm sorry your pain is high, I hope it eases. Take care friend.

2:45 PM  
Blogger Sharyna said...

I, too, found you thru Andrew. Thank you for stopping by my blog.


7:21 PM  
Blogger jAMiE said...

I am sorry to hear about your pain level..i know it isn't easy, i am the same.

I hope your dog feels better soon.

3:24 AM  

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