Friday, January 11, 2008

Today was a really good day...........

today was a really good day. i pushed myself to get together with a few woman who i am getting to be friends with. i had to push myself because of the physical pain and i am so so glad that i did! i met tammy at target which is the one in town that has a starbucks in it. we hung out and talked at starbucks and then went shopping. i found a purse on sale for $4.99 maked down from $19.99. i almost got two of them and i think mom and i are going to go there so she can look at the purses on sale soon. then after tammy left my friend maureen came to target so we hung out and talked and then she shopped some and i just stayed where i could sit. i really am enjoying getting to know both of these woman. starbucis being in target is such a good thing yet i think that i am needing to not drink coffee tonight for sure.
i woke up at 5:00 and got up up. it is rough when i get up that early because so does gracie and she wants to go outside but she can be realy noisey when she is out and it is not light and hoping to stop waking up that early. tonight i like to watch what not to wear...and stacy from what not to weare has her own show now. i also plan to read some tonight. i again am going to try to read james for 30 days straight.

so lots of lj's today...hanging out with tammy...hanging out with maureen....starbucks....finding some sale items...being able to push myself to go despite the pain...finding out i can help some at the church office when they need me to do so like with mass mailings and such.....a lj (large joy) is that marianne now knows what is wrong with her and how to fix it.

my friend maureen is such a great woman. i think if i had to think of some woman i would like to be like she would be one of the ones at the top of the list...great friend...great lover of people and jesus...great marriage and great adorable daughter too of hers who is just adored by her and charles..she says what she thinks and is adament to see changes in the world.....she loves people as he or she is and encourages them to be a better person....she is not afraid to speak out what she thinks and feels....

well it is 7:20 and i need to get something to eat for dinner since i just got back around a half hour ago but did not want to eat at target because it is mainly junk food and starbucks just has dessert type of items and with having my max i think with caffeine and sugar need to eat some real food.


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