Thursday, January 17, 2008


I have not thought of anything interesting to blog about of late. My pain level is really intense and I have been spending lots of time just laying in bed to get off my legs. I am going to go out to with elenore tonight and am looking foward to spending time with her...i met her at church. i had therapy today and it as is the norm to be helpful. i think that gracie's arthritis is hurting her more. i think that i will call the vet to see if i can pick up soon the medication like motrin that helps her. i have been giving her a teeny tiny bit of motrin which seems to help her some. o.k. here is something that i have seen on other blogs so try on mine......................

5 things that one might not know about me................

1. i am related to nancy hanks who was abe lincoln's wife. i find it interesting that she dealt with depression. does one thing that if it genetic it would have been passed on to so many generations

2. i have never flown. mom and sister and mom's side of the family loves to sing and are good at it and i did not get that talent at all!

4. i arranged a adoption plan for my daughter when she was three days old she went to her family. God showed up big in my last months of pregnancy and led me to place her. i will not search for her yet if she wants to meet me i am very willing to do that. i just feel like it is up to the adoptee to search if she or he wants to. she is 20 years old and soon to be 21.

5.i am allergic to avacodos .

so what do other bloggers have five interesting things that perhaps people do not know?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

5 things about me:

I can ride a unicycle, frontwards AND backwards

I also made an adoption plan for my daughter. She is now 25 and I won't look for her either.

I hate mushrooms, but only because they remind me of stepping on cockroaches

I have conversations with myself, in my head

I'm a Hollywood junkie


4:28 PM  
Blogger Moohaa said...

Good for you for making the best decision for your daughter. God will bring her to you when the time is right.

I flew for the first time about 5 years ago.

I hate avocados so I won't eat them.

I love to sing, and since my husband hasn't asked me to stop, I guess I'm at least passable.

It is said my family is related to Mary, queen of the Scots. Interesting huh?

5:13 PM  
Blogger Lena said...

5 things about me

I have only flown once.

I have sisters no brothers.

I have sons no daughters

I used to volunteer for Hospice

I grew up on a farm.


3:44 PM  
Blogger CRUSTY MOM-E said...

5 things:

1: I hate it when people correct my written or verbal grammer, it makes me feel like a child, and as a young girl I was made to feel stupid for what I didn't "have" and didn't "know"

2. I like eating crumbs, crumbs off pizza cardboard, and crumbs from the leftover baked fishsticks and nuggets...wierd, yes..but it's me

3. I want to be able to sing, but I am tone deaf..someone once told me that although I can't sing a melody, I can write a beautiful song-and I wanted to say that although you may not be able to sing as good as your siblings, you too, write a beautiful song.

4. I used to smoke pot when I was in my early 20's with my friends..and at the time thought, "why isn't this legal, drinking hurts worse than this stuff does, plus look at all the marvelous food creations I can come up with!!

5. I LOVE USWEEKLY magazine, but refuse to keep paying the high costs of their darned subscriptions...

you are an amazing woman!! Your words, your heart, you feel sooo much..and like you've said to me before, but you remind me of someone that would be my also remind me of a really really good friend of mine..
Have a really fantastic Saturday!

5:51 AM  
Blogger Moohaa said...

Hope you are well, have a good weekend!

2:07 PM  

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