Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sunday Ramblings............

Today has been an alright day. I am really tired due to not sleeping much last night. I tend not to sleep well if I have to get up early in the a.m. I've had my typical Sunday....going to church and then out to eat with mom and then some errand running and now back home. I really want to take a nap yet if I do take a nap now since it is about 6:30 p.m. most likely I would go to sleep and sleep for about 6 plus hours and then be awake for the rest of the night so making myself at least not go to bed until at the earliest 8:00 p.m. I think that I might try to motivate myself to clean some more...or perhaps I will read yet thinking that reading might lead to sleeping so maybe some computer games.............


Blogger CRUSTY MOM-E said...

How does Church make you feel afterwards? Is it routine and tradition that you're used to? OR does it give you different feelings?

6:12 AM  

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