Friday, August 10, 2007

Out of hospital and computer working again.........

WOW what a few weeks has been!!!! I went into the hospital on Tuesday the 31st of July and got out on Monday the 6th of August. It was one of my longer stays being 6 days but was needed and was helpful. I think if it were not for missing Gracie so much plus knowing the expense of boarding her I might have opted to stay a couple of more days but when I left the hallucinations were almost totally gone for which I am SO GLAD about! I got back on full doses of all of my medications and only one of them was raised. I got some really good sleep which was needed also. I will post more about the hospital stay on my other blog sometime soon. Gracie did really good being boarded which was an answer to prayer. I tried this time having her boarded where I get her groomed and she seemed to do much better there with no problems like she usually has...I think Mom and I figured out what the difference was and that is at the vet when she is boarded they are in the basement...and Gracie has NEVER since I had her gone into any basements at my place when I had one and in Mom's place when she had a basement. I got Gracie when she was one so I am thinking she had some bad experences in the basement before I got her. When she was at 4 paws it is where she can see out when she was in the play area and when they put her in her seperate place it was very similar to like a stall at a barn and had just a half doow on it and was very good sized so plenty of room to turn aound and such so that was really good! Today I got my computer fixed....thank you Mom! I had my friend John look at it a few days ago and he could not figure it out and it was times like this that I wish that Andrew lived close by so he could have fixed the memory needed reseated and while he was here he updated my spyware and also updated XP. I really like the company I use they are called Home Computer Helpers and they are reliable and quite knowledgable and such. It was nice to that I had the same person who came out before and it was for the same issue when he came out before. I keep thinking that I would like to take some more computer this weekend I think I will be on the computer lots catching up reading blogs and emailing people. I am still feeling a bit " not right" but am so so so much better than I was and am so THANKFUL AND HAPPY AND RELEIVED to have my computer working again. Thanks for the encouraging comments.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I meet you at a meeting about ed my name is michelle and I like to check our blog once in awhile. It helps me identify with binge eating. I am so sorry you had to go into the hospital and It sounds like you are doing better. I went 3 1/2 months without binge eating and felt great but now I am back to binging and I want to stop but cant and it hurts.

11:05 AM  
Blogger SpringMist said...

Glad you are back again and doing much better. Computer classes sound great!
Take care.

11:12 AM  
Blogger CRUSTY MOM-E said...

ahh, Mosaic,..I'm so glad you're back. I was just starting to get nervous wishing we knew if you were doing okay.
welcome home.
Take baby steps..soon you'll feel like you again. (eww, did that sound like a zoloft commercial?)
Hang in there!

6:12 AM  

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