Saturday Morning.........
and I have been awake since 8:30 a.m. ! The time is not that unusual for most people but generally I do not awaken until about 10:00 a.m. at the earliest and that is usually when I have to be someplace in the late morning or early afternoon and Saturdays is usually one of the days that I sleep in lots and just get up in time to have about an hour before leaving for work. I have started no matter what time that I get up to eat within an hour of getting up and so am glad that it is now becoming part of my routine. I do find myself often on days that I work eating breakfast and then having what most people would conisder snacks the rest of the day...most of the time healthy snacks...the goal is for me to eat every two hours something like 3 meals and 2 snacks and not eat anything within an hour of going to sleep....last night when I got home I ate more like a meal which I think was mainly to the Mainstream ride being very very long last night and my being nervous going all over Columbus and not knowing the driver that well....He picked me up early actually so I left work about 11:10 p.m. and then he got a call from the dispatcher asking if he had forgotten to pick up this guy and he said no the afternoon dispatcher had taken that ride off of his the dispatcher put it back on his so we went from the Graceland area all the way over to Easton area and the driver had a problem finding the place and the man was to be picked up at 10:15 p.m. and we goth there around 11:45 so he was not happy....we dropped the guy off around Maize Rd and then had to go pick up another person...the driver thought that she was in the area around Cleveland Ave but she was in Grandview so took awhile to find her and by this time it is like 12:3o a.m. so then he brings me home and I get home around 12:50 a.m. so I was on the bus 20 minutes short of 2 hours so was quite nervou and such when I got home...I did not binge so that is a postive and I ate somewhat healthy a p.b. sandwich and rice and veggies...I really really like the Trader Joes frozen dinners! Today is my last work day for this week and I am happy for my " weekend" to be here.....
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