Wednesday, January 30, 2008

red pepper chicken sauages

it has been o.k. day. i find myself crying because of not having a job and concern that bvr will drop my case because of not getting a job in 9 moinths so next week i talk to the bvr counselor. i am trying to be positive in that she would not had given me money for clothes if she did not think that i could get a job. if i could stand for long period of time i am sure that i would be working right now. i think of approaching perhaps fast food at a place because there is a man who sits down and all he does is take the orders and money and does non of the prep work and such. i would have to make sure that i could just do that and such.
so o.k. about the title for bought me some food from trader joes which was a huge blessing. she bought me the red pepper chicken sausages and they are WONDER!!! a bit of spicy to them which i like. my day with food has been too much carbs. but trying to tell myself at least i ate 2 meals and 2 snacks and healthy snacks though as i said too many carbs but am going to start drinking v8 juuce again and have that as a snack and a protein bar or a small piece of protein. here is a quetion for you..can someone tell me if i have protein powder and have not opened it and think i got it like 2or 3 months ago would it still be good and if so how long does it stay good for after opening it. i am sure that it will last a long time but wondering i am thinking of starting to make some smoothies with juice and fruit for breakfast or perhaps a snack
i think that since i really liked quote on andrew's bog that i am going to put that on some pape to make book markers. lj's for today are playing with gracie...sausages..playing with gracie...the sun shining even though it is really cold out i do so much better when the sun is out like lots of people do....cory my career putting up with all of my calls when i get in this type of space where i get concerned about thingsl....getting a cell phone which is such a huge blessing from a family at church....that is actually a big joy....who would like to share some of their little joys for today or big joys and a favorite smoothie recipe..for like breakfasts or snacks.....????


Blogger Moohaa said...

I don't know anything about the protein powder. Sorry! Maybe look up the info on the internet?

I hope you can find a job that suits your needs. I've wondered about a job myself, but I, too can't stand for long periods.

You're in my prayers!

10:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could you work at Borders or Barnes and Noble at the info counter? That might be good and you could share your love for books. Just an idea :)
Your protein powder should have an expiration date on it. It's usally good for 2 months after that if the truth be check the date.
Good luck!

10:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi Liz...

Smoothies are our friends :-) Your protein powder will be fine for MONTHS after opening. I have a smoothie quite often for breakfast. Here's what I have...

1 cup OJ or rice milk
1/4 plain, nonfat yogurt
1/2 banana
whatever amount the protein powder calls for, mine is a tablespoon
and 1/8-1/4 frozen berries

blend, adding more liquid if needed


about a job?? everyone is who is looking is having a hard time finding, its not just you..that being said, I hope you can find something that suits you.


11:51 AM  
Blogger jAMiE said...

I hope you can find a job that suits you soon.

4:38 AM  

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