Monday, June 23, 2008

: )

It is fun to see what comments that I am getting with the last post. It was fun to do. The lights went out last night and they took about two hours to get back was an outage on my whole street. I am trying to start organizing things so trying to do that some and then give myself a break. It has been fun finding things that I have not seee in years and has been bittersweet going through some of the photos and card and such. I am so happy with myself for keeping things neat and with making progress on the boxs and such. One thing that I had totally forgotten about is a box of pastel oils and pencils that are color but the really expensive kind....probably post later and take a nap it was an early morning with trucks in the parking lot going to mpave it and the noise of the machines and the loud talking of the guys made me a bit grumpy and gracie lots grumpy...maybe we can both take a nap................


Blogger Moohaa said...

Naps are good! I'm glad you are getting organized. It's a freeing feeling isn't it?! It's letting go, in a way.

1:57 PM  

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