Saturday, June 21, 2008


well it is a sunny day with pretty clouds and enjoying having the windows open and the door open which of course gracie is so happy to have the door open..she tends to lay right in the doorway. i was planning on going to the library and had rides with mainstream but my physical pain was so intense that i canceled my rides....i did not want to trip or fall especially outside of my home.
i decided to try some light and fit yougurt from dannon and yuck...i do not like it..i think what i might do is to add some more fruit to it....add like 1/4 regular yougurt to it so that i do not waste it plus since it would be good for me to eat the lower calorie one thinking of ideas to make it so that i will eat it. i finished the yougurt and now realize it is the aftertaste that i do not like so eatiing something else with it to take away that taste would help i think....or i could combine perhaps some cereal with it. i know it is good to have protein with carbs so i had some cereal and the yougurt so maybe it is a good thing for me not to like the yougurt much so that i will not overeat that. i am trying to eat light every few hours so that helps me not binge and to eat healthier.
yesterday evening was a good night at the group...i really feel that as a group we are all bonding more and really love each other and accept each other. we are studying the parables which are really interesting and one can see things right away in them and also can think of the deeper issues that they are meaning. there is a woman who goes to group who is really struggling right now...she seems so lonely and such so i gave her my phone number last night and she called me when i got home which i was glad that she felt free to give me a call..she did not give me and i forgot to ask her for her going to try to get that today from a mutual friend so that i can check in with her and also thinking it would help her with people calling so she knows that people do care and want to know how she is doing and that we can reach out to her more.
so even though it is just mid afternoon some lj's are....playing with gracie...talking to my mom on the phone and having a good conversation. she is really seeming older to me. it is a pretty day out...i like looking at clouds and think what the shape looks like...did anyone else do that when you were little trying to see if they looked like an amimal or such? i really liked that as a kid and well still do....oh some friends from church bought me two pairs of croc shoes for which i am so grateful...i did need shoes and the crocs i think are really the most comfortable shoes that i ever have worn and they are sturdy so help my an email from a friend who we have not hung out for a few years and we are going to get together in july and i am really looking forwardt to it...she still goes to the big vineyard but her daughter and family go to central vineyard where i go....what else oh someone gave me some candles from the place where he works and i really like having one lit. candles are peaceful to me.....oh kelly jene had on her blog a link to a song sung by shaun groves and i have never heard of him before but after one song i want to get his cd....he reminds me of in his style of the song that i listened to he reminded me of james blunt..thought at times james blunt can be kind of depressing songs..but he has a good voice and meaninful words to his songs...i have two books that i want to read so probably will start reading one of is about mindful eating and i forget what the other one is about...and mom has two books that are Bible studys she wants me to read and then hoping soon to which would be a big joy is for my fines at the library so that i can get books from the library........hope that everyone who reads this is having a good Saturday.................peace...................


Blogger Moohaa said...

I'm so glad you like that song! It's even better on the cd. The cd title is Invitation to Eavesdrop. All the songs are wonderful. Truth in every song.

Enjoy your day!

1:05 PM  

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