Saturday, September 29, 2007

Saturday Blues.........

I did not get it together to make plans to do something with somone or even to go someplace by myself which when I do not do either of those Saturdays I tend to feel like crap and spend lots of times in tears...feeling like crap and very full of issues such as mental illnesses and being fat and on and I decided to sit down and make myself think of some lj's and trying to make my brain think of the good instead of the bad and the lj's for today.........
1. I got to spend some time with Maureen yesterday and as norm it was a time of great conversation and good coffee.
2. Gracie - my dog who loves me even when I am grumpy.
3. I have been sorting and going thru mail and got that done today.
4. I have been getting some cleaning done today.
5. OSU game is on t.v. tonight.
6. Mom helping me out $ wise.
7. Church most likely helping me out $ wise
8. 3 weeks from today my youngest nephew Brendan is getting married to Courtney...very exiting.
9. Good music on the radio
10. I am happy for my friend Michelle that she got to take off today and tuesday and wednesday and typically has off sunday and monday so she gets a mini vacation at home.
11. I am exited for Maureen and Charles and baby Constance who get to go visit Charles's family who most of them Maureen has not met nor has baby Constance.
12. I get to see Nan my therapist twice in a week.
13. I get to see Pat my case manager this week.
14. My mom took me to one of the small groups that I go to last evening and picked me up since I had forgotten to arrange rides.
15. fellow bloggers
16. I get to help out tomorrow at church with the kids which I always enjoy.

So dreading as is typical October yet really really trying not to but it seems like it creeps in more and more as Monday is the first day so I think that I am going to REALLY TRY to keep lj's lists every time that I blog in October.


Blogger SpringMist said...

Hope u are doin ok these days. I am sorry to hear about the interview. Tht sucks.
I start to feel down too as the year nears to a end..
Bye mm.

3:08 AM  
Blogger CRUSTY MOM-E said...

I'm the same way when seasons's like I have SAD or something..
Sorry about the job..but that means better things are out there!
Hang in there!

5:57 AM  

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